Trust is the key

It’s been a few weeks that I’ve been sitting at home… I fractured one of my fingers a few weeks ago which made things a little harder to do and manage. So I’ve taken a bit of a rest, worked on my website, planned my next workshop, but have taken it easy really.

Today, I went to see my Doctor to get an exemption so I can keep doing my other job that I love doing (teacher’s aide) and when I showed him my finger, he said that I was going to lose my nail soon. I was wondering if that was going to happen. It’s pretty bruised and still very sensitive but I was hoping the bruise would just go away…

Next week, my little one is turning eight, which is totally amazing. My baby turning eight! How did that happen? It also means that I won’t be as supported by the government financially speaking and that is going to change quite a few things in my life. The safety net is being removed and even though I knew this date was coming, it all came way too fast for my liking! Don’t get me wrong, I’m super stoked to see my little growing up and evolving before my eyes, but it was also comfortable knowing that my rent was covered no matter what.

At first, I started losing sleep over it. I’m not the best sleeper since I became a mother. Before that, I could sleep anywhere and for as long as I needed. Motherhood broke me into the lightest sleeper on Earth and every little noise wakes me up. The thing is, waking up is one thing… Going back to sleep is another! Luckily, I have got amazing herbal remedies that can help now and then but I don’t want to depend on any substance in order to sleep every night, so I only take them occasionally. Lying there for hours, meditating, breathing deeply and sending good affirmations in the field helped me to not get too worked up and getting up a few hours later not completely exhausted.

But the main thing that keeps me relax and helps me stay sane is trust. If I have trust that the universe is fully supporting me at any given time, there is no need for worry. Of course, it can be easily said than done, but with practise, this return to trust comes more and more naturally to me and is slowly becoming second-nature. I have never been in huge financial struggles. I have been in rocky relationships and wondering how to escape for many years, but never was I in denial of the state of my heart and my emotional world. I know, deep down that I’m going to be ok. I know that the universe, God, Source, is always looking out for me. It doesn’t mean that challenges won’t come my way and that life will always be easy, but I try to invite each challenge as a blessing for my own evolution. What is there for me to learn? How can I grow from this experience? What would the best version of myself do in this situation?

I have learned to follow my heart, but also my gut. Sometimes, they are in contradiction and it’s not always simple to determine which one should be in the driver’s seat. But if I can find stillness and can sit with myself, I always have access to this place of knowing. We know. We all do. If we take the time to stop and breathe consciously. So what don’t we do it more I hear you say? Well, I don’t have an answer to that… It looks like as human beings, we love to sabotage ourselves and our ultimate dreams. Until we had enough and we can return to trust. If I can sit long enough with myself, I know that I am so much bigger than this human body. My spirit is limitless and all opportunities are accessible and available to bring back in the 3D. When life gets busy again, it’s easy to forget and return to being a slave to the system , and soon enough, we start feeling depressed. If life is so busy that there is no time to stop, then depression is only gonna get bigger and that is when, a lot of people reach for anti-depressant. I consider myself lucky that I never went to that place. I have never let life getting so busy that I can’t reconnect to source and stop to find myself again. But for the ones who have, or who are in this position right now, know that this too shall change. It is all impermanent and this state of depression is only an indication of how far you’ve come apart from your true self. There is only one way from there: the way home. How do you find the way? Through Trust!

Trust that you are so much more than this human body. Trust that you are a spirit having a human experience. Trust that each step you take is being supported by the universe, and trust that if you take some steps in the so-called wrong directions, it’s only for you to grown and evolve from your mistakes. Trust that each decision is only going in one direction for as long as its needed. If that doesn’t feel right, well, you can always make another choice! Nothing is set in stones and your guts (or your heart) are telling you if you have drifted too far, then return to a better judgment and turn the other way. Forgive yourself along the way and trust that it happened for a good reason. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time… Soon enough, you’ll be able to look back and go: “Oh!… this is why it happened!”. But for this to occur, you need to trust and be willing to take the time to look back and re-examine.

If you have trust, I believe nothing can take you off centre in life. The ground might seem a bit wobbly for a while, but you know that no matter what, you feel be fine in the end. In knowing that the worse that could potentially happen to you (this human body) is death, how can this affect you if you know that your spirit will only continue its journey? When you live with the cycles of the Earth, you develop this deep inner knowing that we are part of it all. Therefore, our own death is only a representation of what the winter solstice is for the cycle of a calendar year. There is rebirth, there is regrowth, and even though it might not be in the same human form, the cycle will continue on, and your spirit will never die. And that is why I have the deepest trust. I hope you can cultivate this too.

Happy Winter Solstice dear ones and wishing you the most incredible cycle ahead!

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Living with the Cycles

It’s been a while since I found myself writing a little blog…

Firstly, before I get to hard on myself, I’d like to acknowledge that we have just been through the toughest couple of years on the planet since I was born… Sure enough, there probably had been harsher times when WWI and WWII were going, but since I was born in 1976, I had been quite sheltered from all wars and battlefields. The world got terrified by a virus and people created more divisions than ever… Sad story really!

Secondly, I used that time to write a book… not a minor detail, it became my main project for the last two years and now that I am at the point of finding a publisher, I can refocus my attention on smaller articles such as this one.

Let’s be honest, everyone went kind of nuts with this virus… some people were really scared of catching it, others just assumed it was all BS… I was sitting somewhere in the middle, trying to figure it all out, but mostly, trying to find my feet in the balance of it all. I went down many (far too many!) rabbit holes and uncovered some truths that weren’t pretty to look at. Some even shook me to the core of my being and sent me in a spin for weeks! But let’s not go there for now… My point is more about what kept me sane amongst all of this. And it’s living with the cycles….

As you may be well aware, one of my deepest passion is to sit in circle and create sacred space with women. By following the wheel and acknowledging the Earth’s cycles, I was able to find myself more, and understanding more what I was going through. Of course, personal life and circumstances are often different from one another, but the collective energy remains pretty similar… Right now, trying to get things off the ground and coming up with new projects is a lot harder: we’re approaching Yule, the Winter Solstice. In a few months, things are going to feel a lot different! So that is just what I did… I created sacred space and we sat together and we took the time to tune into the energies of the Earth, before we tuned in our own inner landscapes. Let me tell you… I felt amazing! Not only knowing that more often than not, I was feeling what the Earth was feeling herself, but also to realise that I was far from being the one on that boat! Sitting with other women that share what they’re going through and mirror and reflect some aspects of yourself that you are well aware of is one thing. But when they highlight something that was a complete blind spot, it’s pure magic! It’s a Ah-Ah moment that brings light into some dark corner of your own being and will be a catalyst for change! As soon as the awareness is onto something, there only remain some clarity and action for it to shift. What a gift!

We just got passed Shawhain, which I completely missed by the way, because I was in my home country where the energies were in complete opposite. Beltane and spring was in the air and the celebration of the turning of the wheel went off my head! When I got back and my friend who picked us up , asked me when was next circle, I just assumed it was just around the corner… What a shock when I realised that I completely missed it ! But anyhow, the energies in Australia right now are about going down into the darkest point, the Winter solstice. The best analogy with a menstrual cycle is that we are just about to bleed but we’re not quite there yet! That should sum it up for quite a few of you! The descent…. The slowing down… The going in and the acknowledgement of what we’ve done so far so we can take a breather and live off what we have harvested and gathered in the last few months. How is the abundance? What can we do better next time and what seeds are we going to sow in the coming spring? Good to contemplate, but for now, let’s stay with the going inwards motion and enjoying having shorter days and longer nights.

In five weeks, we will celebrate Yule and I will be back on track, opening my space for circle. I also have the intention of opening up the space to having circles online which I have been very reluctant doing. My resistance is slowly wearing off and I trust that it will all fall into place in perfect timing. I am not going to put too much pressure on myself and promise you all that it will up and running for the next sabbat, but it will happen and I am very much looking forward to sit with you all in this space.

In the meantime, be well, and don’t forget to look outside and what nature is going. She is our greatest teacher and when it feels a bit wonky inside of us, let’s just see if there is a representation outside that could create a congruence and understanding of what is happening. Living with the cycles is a simple tool but a very profound one that I recommend to each and everyone of you!



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An Ode to the Moon

Full moon in libra.. the crystals are out and the night is clear…

I usually take myself out to the headlands when the full moon rises but tonight, I stayed in. Enjoying having the home to myself and having my family away for 10 days is an absolute luxury and I’m indulging in some serious solo time.

As I looked at the moon shine through my window, I have quite a few contemplations coming to the surface..

I cast sacred space for myself and ask myself these questions:

What did I plant on this past new moon?

What came to fruition?

What am I grateful for and what can I let go and redirect to do it differently next time around?

Full moon are always a precious time to ponder on our gratitudes and check in what needs to be celebrated within the cycle just past. As a woman, I am very aware of my own cycle going and love it when it’s in sync with the dark moon but I keep on shifting and I’ve just been bleeding with a few full moons. The energies are somewhat different but a process of letting go is always welcome, especially when gratitude follows. Of course, having my moon with the dark moon feels more aligned but I am done with giving me a hard time about these sorts of things. At least, it’s one thing that comes with ageing and accepting where I am is a big part of it. Also, one of my teachers used to say: when you bleed with the full moon, it’s like going in a cave with the light on… nowhere to hide! and it’s so true! It’s a different type of intensity but it’s totally the best way to have a good look at everything that isn’t aligned with the best version of myself and to fully look at it in the eye.

The energies around me are often contradicting though as lots of parties are taking place on a full moon and people are a lot more inclined to be out there and wanting to get amongst it. If I’m on my moon, at least the first couple of days, the last thing I dream about is being social and partying… So when these contradictions happen, I need to really check in if I need to push myself or honor where I am at. More often than not, the latter takes over and I end up in bed, relaxing and doing as little as possible.

We live in a society that doesn’t operate with the moon and the planets anymore. People don’t often look at the map of moon to decide when to do their launch or throw a party. Time is limited and everyone is busy but if we could all take a step back and always check what the moon is up to and where, as women, we’re at in our cycle, the world would be a different place. In doing so, it’s taking care of the whole, ourselves and everything else in between. It’s creating the time and space to fully look at all aspects and energies of the day and taking into consideration what is much bigger than us. Of course, stuff can go wrong regardless but with a bit more care and intention, it all starts making a bit more sense.

When someone calls me for work, the first thing I look at when I have the date is where I am going to be in my cycle then. The next thing in line is what will the moon be doing depending on the work that’s needed. There is no point in saying yes to something that I won’t be able to fully give myself 100% to. Saying yes to someone and getting there for the sake of pleasing the person is only gonna be detrimental for everyone. And everyone should follow this rule. Only say yes to things when you know you will be at your best possible and when the stars are on your side.

Another school of thoughts is numerology which is very similar to being in tune with the planets and the moon. Calculating and having a proper look at what is happening on an energetic level with numbers is super powerful. It’s not common practise for me but I have deep respect for people who take the time to check what the odds are with numbers.

Whatever you should choose, it doesn’t matter. My point is, it’s 2019 and we really need to start paying attention. We’re all trapped in our ego and trying to figure out this human life the best way we can and I’m not saying get lost and blame it all on the moon and the planets. Cause guess what? There’s ALWAYS gonna be something going on up there! But PAY ATTENTION! Bring intention and presence in your decision and if you’re an impulsive, great! It’s a beautiful trait! But make sure you double check a few things before confirming anything, you’ll benefit from it and everyone else around you too!

And tonight.. as my crystals are getting supercharged and Bluesfest is going off not so far away from my home, I have a deep gratitude emerging. We live in a very special time where traditions got lost and technology is going fast. Us, as humans, all we can do is to stay true to ourselves. And the simple fact to look into the moon’s face (let’s face it, she does have a beautiful face, right?) brings me back into my body. It’s so simple and so efficient. There is no need to study for years or be a magician, all it takes is to stop. Breathe. And tune in. So Simple…. I am a true believer that traditions and rituals need to be reestablished and I often people asking me where to start. Well, a deep moment of gratitude, facing the moon can be IT. If you have your drum, you decide to chant, dance or create a fire, great but where it all starts is within yourself.

So tonight, I would to encourage everyone single one of you to stop for a moment and see what comes. And if nothing comes, it doesn’t matter cause at least you stopped! And the more you’ll do it, the more things will come to the surface! And whatever emerges, please, remember, always finish with a thought of gratitude. There is so much to be grateful for!

Enjoy this beautiful moon and enjoy your own stillness!

Until next time…

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Muriele Tesauri
Summer solstice

The longest day and shortest night of the year. The peak of summer.

It was certainly hot and steamy today to celebrate this solstice and when the storm came in, it was such a relief! Unfortunately, it didn’t last long enough to fully cool down but it felt like a proper summer night.

As I sat with my children tonight, the oldest took all the crystals out of the house to charge them under the full moon and then my youngest climbed onto the Frangipani tree to add his own mandala around the crystals. It happened very organically and I love how children (even the wildest!) know when it’s time to tap into something greater than themselves. Something sacred.

Traditions and sabbaths have been kind of lost along the way but when they’re being remembered and re-created, people know deep inside that it’s only about remembering and putting them back into practice is a birthright!.

So as I sat with my children, we spoke about what we love about summer and what we’re grateful for. And as I’m contemplating what it means on a deeper level for myself, I contemplate how the summer of my 42 year old self feels like. What seeds did I plant in spring that have blossomed and what is my inner landscape? Am I happy with what my inner garden looks like and what am I gonna keep and harvest in Lammas, the next sabbath? And what will I be ready to thanks and let compost under the autumn leaves?

Simple contemplation yet so important when it becomes a way of living. It has become such a part of my life to live with the cycles and to understand how they affect us, how we are all part of the same thing whether we are aware of it or not.

My biggest celebration on this solstice is to have this website live and to really feel ready to offer my gift to the world. If I can help someone who is struggling physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, my sense of purpose will feel completely and utterly satisfied. To get to this point in time where I can feel like I have so many tools up my sleeves in order to be of service sends me in a deep state of gratitude. It’s been a long journey to get here but it was all worth it.

I also want to celebrate my first year of The Advanced Diploma of Health Science behind me. This also has been a crazy ride with one of my children at preschool only 2 or 3 days a week but somehow, I pulled it off and I gained so much knowledge and understanding around the human body and the plant kingdom. Another tradition that has been somehow forgotten in certain parts of the world but to reintroduce the power of plants as medicine is my mission and healing people with their own body wisdom should be something we all get taught as we grow up.

YES, this summer solstice feels quite potent and powerful for me this year and I am happy to celebrate myself and those around me! I am surrounded by beautiful, creative and magical people and THAT is something to celebrate!!!

So my invitation to you tonight is to take a moment to contemplate your own summer. What are you grateful for? And as much as I believe in the practice of gratitude, I also would like to invite you to have a good honest look at the whole picture. Sure, there are plenty of beautiful seeds that you certainly did plant but what are the weeds that grew as well? Care needs to be taken here and it has to be done with gentleness and kindness towards yourself but pure honestly gets you a long way. So what are these weeds and how can you make it better next time around? Once you had a good look at them in the eye, thank them and let them go. They will compost for you to have a fertile soil at the end of winter. They’re just as useful and the blooming flowers and fruits that are your inner garden.

This is a wholesome approach. It’s not about being optimistic or pessimistic but simply realistic.

Happy Summer Solstice everyone of the Southern Hemisphere and deep gratitude for being who you are cause this world wouldn’t be the same without you!

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Muriele Tesauri

Nearly the end of the year 2018… What a year, what a ride!

This year, I have been pushed in all directions which is not entirely different from the past previous years to be honest, but what has really been testing me is forgiveness…

For 42 years, life has been pretty cruizy with me in terms of having to forgive. Sure enough, I had the occasional fall out or heartbreak but never had I been pushed in one corner having to face forgiveness as of late.

Firstly, I had to face that my vision of reuniting my scattered family in one place wasn’t gonna happen. I tried all options and bent over backwards for it to happen but at the end of the day, I was the only one trying to make it work. It was all too hard for everyone else and I had to accept that reality,.. Which saddened me immensely at first, but then realised soon after that I had to forgive them for not wanting the same thing as me. The initial stage was a tapestry of complete nonunderstanding, followed by anger which slowly dissipated leaving me alone with having to forgive…

Don’t get me wrong! These last few steps were not as simple as just described… they took a LOOOONG time and each and every single emotions was felt fully to its deepest chore. I am an advocate of feeling it right to the bottom of it, without seeing it as a nice spot to stop and indulge in the pain (let’s face it, us humans love some drama even if we don’t want to admit it!)… No, this wasn’t the final stop, once the emotion was felt deeply, the walk through it was the essential part to remain sane and healthy!

Feeling it, allowing it, accepting it to finally release it!

This is something only a few of us had some sort of education around. I certainly had none and was told to get over it and get on with it. My emotional intelligence grew over the years since my early twenties, reading books after books of self-empowerment. I also started devouring workshop hoping they would show me the way, when I soon realise that the best workshop was life itself! Plenty of materials provided on a daily basis if we decide to walk that path..

Once that episode kind of faded away and my heart wasn’t feeling like a ton of bricks, the next workshop was lining up for me when I was the least ready for it (Ok, we’re probably realistically never really ready for it, but eh!…. ). A big fall out in friendship came right at me impacting where I was gonna live and giving me a whole new perspective on the community I was a part of. Well, that was a big ouch! Now, when I say friendship, it wasn’t just any friend, it was a sister that I considered as family. Having my blood family across two oceans, I really cherish good friends in my life that I feel fortunate enough to count as my soul family. Yeah, that’s where I got hurt! Straight in the guts and mostly in my tender heart!

Once again, going through all the waves of emotions, allowing them to be utterly felt and washed away while focusing on my studies and get masses of contents into my brain… That was a bit of an interesting ride that one! Most of the time, I would be so busy trying to squeeze some Anatomy or Botany into my head, I didn’t really have time to spend much energy on the emotional drama. But then, a big wave would come and crush me as a Tsunami would, leaving me with nothing but the intensity and power of whatever needed to be felt at the time.

So here I am, sitting with it all at this end of this year, contemplating how big it’s been but also being completely honest with where I am at right now. Looking into all the areas in my life where I need to forgive myself and how to do it but also, being really authentic about what is happening within myself. My body is still saying no when it comes to meet up and discuss things and I fully honor my body inner wisdom and respect its pace. Asking for forgiveness of others and self has become a daily practice after my meditations and as a wise Buddhist once said:

“If you can’t forgive right now, forgive yourself for it”

So, if you find yourself reading this and resonating with the fact that you’re not ready to forgive, give yourself a hug and tell yourself you’re doing well cause you probably are! And keep checking: do you just want to punish the other or do you sincerely need more time to be able to forgive?

And whatever the answer is : FORGIVE YOURSELF

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Muriele TesauriComment
Spring Equinox

Ok, I’m running a bit late for this one but Happy Spring Equinox!

I have had a bad run and my immune system somehow doesn’t seem to be fighting off this flue that I got a few weeks ago, even though I have been dosing up on the herbs and stay off dairy for this whole time. That’s why this post comes a bit late in the picture… But then energy is still present and the stillness and balance of this gorgeous day is still tangible.

On the 21st of September (in the Southern hemisphere), the day and night was of equal time and the balance was exact. From that point of stillness, Spring is establishing itself and the days are gonna start getting longer…. The weather will start to get warmer and the trees will start blossoming. What a gorgeous time of the year! Nature is slowly coming out of hibernation (even though there isn’t much hibernation where I live :)), birds are nesting and animals are looking for their mate. This fresh energy can be used judiciously and can be part of a ritual to connect with what kind of fresh energy we want in our lives.

What kind of fresh start do we desire?

What are we grateful for that brought us to that point in time?

What seeds do we wish to plant?

Where can we find more balance in our life? Which area needs attention?

To simply sit and ponder those questions for a moment in silence, if possible in nature can bring a real new energy for this new season to come. Often people come to me and say: But I can’t hear anything! Now, don’t get me wrong, some people can hear guidance very clearly as if someone was talking to them face to face. But the majority is tuning in to their own intuition which is not always quite as loud as someone talking to you in broad day light! To sit in silence and ask yourself some questions is vital if you can stay quite and wait… an answer doesn’t always come straight away and we often think that it should be faster .. Patience… Just wait a bit more.. and if nothing comes, nothing comes, it’s fine! But most likely, you’ll see a image, have a feeling, remember a story that somehow will indicate a direction to your queries… and most of all, TRUST!

Another common question from people is: what if it’s just my imagination? Well.. it might just be! but guess what? you’re the only one who will know if the resonance is there.. how does it feel in your guts? Often, it starts with your imagination but if you keep it mind and follow through, you’ll soon see that it can actually become real guidance and therefore reality.

So if you haven’t done your ritual for the equinox, do it now ! Find a moment of stillness and feel the balance that is still in the air, ready to be embraced and used for clear intentions for a fresh start.

Finally, teach your children!!! I didn’t do a fire or a circle this time around because my energy level was quite low, but as we sat for dinner, we lit a candle, as usual and before we started eating, I just explained to all the little ones around the table (we had a few more little people having a sleep over that night) what the equinox was in very simple words. It doesn’t need to be complicated, it just needs to be mentioned so it slowly becomes part of their make up. For them to understand that from that point, the days are getting longer and that it’s the beginning of spring might be enough. If they’re a bit older, go a bit more into the fact that it’s exact balance and how it can be translated into their life. Whatever you do, do it because you love it! Sharing and passing on the traditions is something that I really love doing seeing my children growing with that knowledge is totally priceless.

So here we are, heading for the rest of spring and the beginning of summer soon!

Have a great school holidays everyone and keep going with your rituals!

Slowly slowly, life will feel fuller and more meaningful!

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Muriele Tesauri
Sisters' circle

It was quite a few moons ago now that I was sitting at Confest with a dear friend of mine under a big yellow tarp, looking around and the men in our lives had created: an entire village in the middle of the paddock .. TP’s, bit tarp for shade, workshop space, stage, bush kitchen… everything was in place for us to have a good time for this week long festival over the summer holidays. But suddenly, my mind started ticking…. there was something missing.. where was OUR space? where was the retreat for women who needed some time out? For women who started to bleed or just needed to have a cry?.. There was nowhere for us to hide and from that moment, the Pink TP was getting created in our mind. Within a week after the festival, a pink TP was getting delivered to my front door at a very cheap price cause no one wanted it because of its colour!

In this moment of creation, not only had we created a retreat space for women for festivals around Australia but also a whole new journey of sitting in circles, sharing, laughing, crying together. When women sit in circles, something magical happens.. Every single time! The simple fact that each and every woman shows up and is open to share with vulnerability what is happening for her at the present time is enough to dive into the mysteries of womens’ circles. I use the word mysteries because it still feels like it for our generation but needless to say that it wasn’t mysteries at all not that long ago… Rather the opposite, it was just of normal occurrence to sit and gather and bleed together. The red lodge was created for women to have their moon time and share the load of looking after their children when rest and care were needed.

What I also love about womens’ circles is that by us retreating, we actually create the space for men to gather and find each other as well. Whether they will end up having a fire and share their hearts as well or doing more manly activities, they have the opportunitiy to go deeper with what is going on for them too, which is not always a natural thing for them to do.

TP’s are an amazing space to gather but with intention and thoughts, any place can become a sacred space for womens’ circle. The intention of setting up the space to create a sacred container for whatever is going to be shared will stay in the space and for everyone to be smudged as they enter are the basics of creating a safe space. I love white sage as a smudge but they are lots of different options out there these days. Once again, it doesn’t matter which herb or incense you use, it’s the intention behind it that is essential!

Once the place is set and women are feeling comfortable, I believe the person who is holding space needs to be in a pure heart space of being of absolute service of what is going to happen. This person can have a plan but the thing is, with women, there are no plans! You just never know what is going to happen and to watch it unfold as you guide the flow of the circle is one of the things I love doing in life more than anything else.

I’ve been holding space for years now, for womens’ circles, blessing ways, bride-to-be, young maidens and their menarche celebration and every time, I leave the space feeling so filled with love, magic and wonder.

I feel really blessed that one day, sitting down under a yellow tarp, an idea came through my head that a women space was needed… I will never look back and am really looking forward to many more to come… All in divine timing!

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